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We are a feminist organisation with more than 40 years of experience, focusing our efforts on the empowerment of girls, young women and women.
In the Casa de la Mujer, we provide both psychological support and legal advice, informing women of their rights and empowering them to make free and informed decisions about their lives. Our legal advice seeks to assist women in the exercise of their rights in areas as varied as alimony,
guardianship and custody of children, and divorces. We use this experience to monitor and raise awareness of cases of violence between genders and within the family.
Through our ‘Action Research’ project we seek to address the problems of girls, young women and women by engaging with communities in ways that promotes gender equality and diversity.
Through this work, we aim to reduce the incidence of teenage and unplanned pregnancy and that of sexual violence, maternal death from unsafe abortions, as well as the prevention of all forms of violence against women including femicide.
In our Leadership and Community Management courses, we train indigenous and Afro-Mexican women on topics such as gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, prevention of gender-based violence; we also provide skills for developing and strengthening leadership. The leaders call on the participants to provide feedback as to the conditions for women in their communities and collectively define an agenda and plan of action for change in gender relations.
In ‘GESMujer Joven’, we develop training aimed at adolescent and young women in the areas of gender equity and equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, sexual diversity and the prevention of violence in courtship. Our aim is to teach the skills and abilities necessary to
communicate these messages in a playful but meaningful way. Thereby motivating young people to express themselves and leading change aimed at building equal relationships between women and men.

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